Collection Management and Development

Finding the right books can take a lot of your precious time. Sure, bestsellers are a bit of a no-brainer, but the difficulty comes when filtering out the best from what’s left over. We help libraries do all this and more so they can spend more time getting to know their community instead of stressing over collections lists.

Powered by and extensive menu of options tailored to fit you needs and a team of MLS-degreed librarians and paraprofessionals with more than 350 years of combined experience.

Complementary Curation

Every Ingram customer is welcome to enjoy our full catalog of complimentary curations services. We won’t nickel and dime you. Ingram supports everything you do for your local community and the reading world beyond, so it is our goal to provide you with the best value.

  • Maintain standing orders so the most in-demand titles become automatically yours without any extra work.
  • Opening days go off without a hitch with shelf ready books built from smartly prepared lists from Ingram so you can concentrate on making the most of the day for patrons.
  • iSelect

Custom Curation

Running a library is a full-time job and like every business even the best-laid plans can get shuffled up. Staffing changes. Special projects. Unexpected (but welcome) rises in demand.

For those times when a little something extra is all you need, our hands-on custom curation service gives you the control and flexibility to keep your ongoing collection efforts on track, no matter what.

How it works

  1. Contact our Collections team and we will schedule a time to discuss your specific needs. Email
  2. After our discussion you’ll receive a proposal outline, along with a workflow calendar
  3. Make whatever changes to fit your needs and sign a non-binding agreement
  4. To make sure we are on target you will receive your first few lists are free of charge
  5. Scheduled quarterly reviews ensure we are meeting your needs
  6. Make changes or stop service at any time, just give us a call

You Choose

  • Parameters and size
  • Frequency and delivery
  • Subject and ages
  • Duration

Endless options to fit all your custom collection needs!

Custom Curation

Running a library is a full-time job and like every business even the best-laid plans can get shuffled up. Staffing changes. Special projects. Unexpected (but welcome) rises in demand.

For those times when a little something extra is all you need, our hands-on custom curation service gives you the control and flexibility to keep your ongoing collection efforts on track, no matter what.

Selection List

You know the titles that win with your patrons every time? Great! We can send you those books on a regulary scheduled basis, whenever you want them.

Just tell us, and VIOLA! they’re on their way to you faster than you can type up a spreadsheet.

Collection Management

Trend in formats, genres, and authors happen quickly. You need a partner that is plugged into the hearbeat of everything bookish and get you what you need quick. We are uniquely positioned to support the libraries of today and of the future.

  • Huge selection
  • Quick speeds
  • Total digital integration
  • All our expertly managed programs and services

We value the respective roles that public and school libraries play in our communities. Ingram Library Services® offers public and K-12 libraries the broadest inventory of print and electronic content with access to over 11 million titles and a broad range of products.

Our programs include: Standing Order Programs, Continuations Program, iSelect, Review Alert, Catalogs, E-Communications, The Wire

Collection Management


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