Library Cataloging and Processing

When it comes to cataloging and processing new books there are most likely a ton of other things you’d rather be doing. Like taking bigger steps to making your library a more viable source of information for your community or planning your next big event.

With quick and accurate cataloging and processing services from Ingram books are ready to jump right into circulation as soon as they arrive, so your valuable time can be spent elsewhere. So efficient it is like adding to your library staff without adding to operational expenses

Custom Cataloging

Get the hours you spend cataloging books back and use that saved time on something much less tedious.

  1. Our team of master account loggers creates or upgrades MARC (meta info) records specific to your unique libraries needs and apply that data
  2. Once the books arrive all you need to do is verify they match your requirements and just like that they are ready to go!

Custom Processing

Toss out your stamp and donate your label maker to charity, because all the physical elements that make your books unique to your library—we have.

With over 100 different custom processing options your books are ready for borrowing as soon as they arrive on your doorstep. Whatever you need we got:

  • Spine labels
  • Laminates
  • Bar codes
  • Theft detection
  • Property stamps
  • RSID tags
  • Mylar to pr

Custom Processing

Digital Processing

All the processing services we provide for print books we also provide for your digital library—audio books, DVDs, video games, etc.

  • Barcodes on the spine or artwork
  • Custom library labels embedded into product


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